jeudi 16 février 2023

LA BANDE DESSINNEE EN AFRIQUE DE L' OUEST - LA COTE D'IVOIRE de Christophe Cassiau-Haurie avec la collaboration de Koffi Roger N'guessan


Karthala in France are publishing this revelatory 240-page study, charting nearly 60 years of comics creativity in the Ivory Coast, researched by Christophe Cassiau-haurie and Koffi Roger N'guessan:
'Despite several hundred active authors, comics are still not a fully-fledged cultural industry on the African continent. The lack of distributors and broadcasters and of support from the public authorities, the absence of training and the weakness of purchasing power partly explain this situation. In fact, the production of comics is essentially limited to self-publishing and distribution is often done in an artisanal mode, from hand to hand or via literary events. In the middle of this editorial desert, the Ivory Coast is an exception. Endowed with an old tradition in terms of comic strips (the first appearances date from the 1960s), relying on a lively and widely distributed press, the 9th Ivorian art has acquired its letters of nobility and constitutes a real source of influence in the local culture. The most striking example is the news and comics newspaper, Gbich!, a veritable social phenomenon which, after printing up to 40,000 copies at the end of the 1990s, led to the creation of a veritable group national press covering several areas (radio, animation studio, general press, cultural engineering, etc.). This book looks back on almost 60 years of the journey of an art which, initially imported from the West, has become one of the country's strong identity markers and constitutes a striking example of the maturation of a comic strip that is both typically national and model for other French-speaking countries.' More details and to order here:
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Peut être un dessin animé de texte qui dit ’Christophe Cassiau- Cassiau-Haurie avec la collaboration de Koffi-Roge Ν' guessan LA BANDE DESSINÉE EN AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST LACÃTE D'IVOIRE HOTEL CNINKIN NINKIN GUICHET JETEL વક KARTHALA’

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